News item
A record-breaking week for SuperFlora
We faced quite a challenge in the past two weeks with the shipping, production and delivery of plants and flowers in time for Mothers' Day in the UK!
We shipped over 30 million flowers and plants to the UK and Ireland and produced over 450,000 boxes of bouquets and plants. Our customers were sold out in no time, both in their brick-and-mortar shops e and online.
We are very proud that we were able to make all our customers happy and create the most beautiful bouquets for this special event.
A huge thank you to all the teams all over the world that made this colourful connection between SuperFlora and our customers happen!

News article
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Aenean sodales neque et nibh mollis blandit. Nullam et rutrum erat, vel commodo neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ullamcorper nunc et lorem fringilla, eu porta tortor fermentum. Morbi ultricies diam vitae aliquet sagittis. Suspendisse purus arcu, euismod in felis in, tristique ullamcorper velit. In interdum diam felis, eget tincidunt dui sollicitudin et. Mauris et diam sem. In vehicula semper massa nec fermentum. Cras eu maximus nisi. Integer porta malesuada viverra. Nunc pulvinar ut eros quis vestibulum. Morbi interdum viverra quam, ut lobortis justo feugiat ornare. Suspendisse commodo luctus purus, nec tincidunt odio lobortis faucibus.